Monday, January 14, 2013

Picnic In The Sun


A long and lazy weekend
was spent bike riding fishing, picnicing, 
napping under shady trees and taking leisurely strolls.

There was homemade lemonade
rolls filled with camenbert and champagne ham
and home baked choc chip cookies.

All in all a lovely weekend making the most
of what Mother Nature has to offer!

I hope you had a perfect weekend too!

Melissah xox

Images via 1, 2-6

Pop over to my other blogs Coastal Style and Scrapbook


  1. im in love with all ur posts...

    tyfor following us means a lot for us...

    followed u too gfc name is good taste of life

  2. These gorgeous images really make me miss summer - it's supposed to snow here in the north of England this week! I love the outfit in the first photo - great colours.


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