Tuesday, January 1, 2013

An Indulgent Garden Party



A picnic in the garden ~

what a lovely way to start off the New Year!

Gather some friends, picnic rugs and cushions.
Set up a table outdoors
and fill it with delicious treats to eat.
Chill some champagne and while away the afternoon ~
eating, chatting, laughing and napping!

Melissah xox

Images via Dust Jacket

Pop over to my other blogs Coastal Style and Scrapbook


  1. Sounds like my kind of day! My goal as my garden grows and matures is to have garden parties! I love everything about that idea!! Beautiful pics!

  2. Dear Melissah! Wishing you and your family wonderful New Year!!!!
    Very best!

  3. I wish, I could make a garden party like that right now.:) Wonderful!
    Happy 2013, Melissah!
    Many hughs,

  4. I love your pics! And I'm sooo jealous you can have picnic in the garden in January. Lucky you! In my country is winter, sunny but still winter!

  5. Your blog is beautiful love the colors
    i am your newest followr dear..

  6. Lovely blog! I've just discovered it thanks to desire to inspire christmas reading list. The images are truly inspiring, I am already following you on bloglovin.

    xx EMBLOG


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