Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Fond Farewell




I wish you all a sweet farewell

Thank-you all for joining me of this amazing blogging adventure.

Thank-you for your wonderful support and following along.
Thanks also for all your lovely comments that inspire me daily.
Three blogs is just too much to squeeze into daily life 
so please join me over at 
for more inspiration into all things stylish.

Melissah xox

Pop over to my other blogs CoastalStyle and Scrapbook


  1. So sad to see the end of your "Country style chic" blog. I love checking it out nearly every day. So inspiring, but I understand that you are really busy, and three blogs is a huge workload along with everything else. Thanks for all the time, effort and research you put into every post. It is a real pleasure to look at your blogs every day!! From Sally

  2. I will really really miss the daily inspiration!
    I don't know how you did it so long and
    you deserve a break. I will continue to visit your other 2
    blogs every day
    All the best!

  3. I'll miss it too! ;-(

    I like your other blogs and it's so impressing you could write three!

  4. How nice photos! Specially for us in Europe:)
    Grettings from Alsace:)

  5. Oh...I missed this!!! I will pop over to your other blog now! Nicole

  6. I'm in love with your blog, So many beautiful ideas.

    Filipa Mota


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