Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Scandanvian Simplicity

 It's all in the details ...

It's often the simplest things that catch our eye
and capture our imagination ~

An old basket full of antique linens
a pretty flower
a dainty tea cup
a well worn silver candlestick
or a delicate piece of lace

 ♥ ♥ ♥

Melissah xox

Images vis 'Modern Country' and 'Min Lilla Veranda'

Pop over to my other blogs Coastal Style and Scrapbook


  1. Such a gorgeous decorating style. Hope you had a wonderful Easter.

  2. Hi, love Scandanavian style! Do you know your photos are all scrunched up? I clicked on the bars and when the scroll version came up photos are visible. Just thought you might like to know. Suzy x


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