Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Fun!

Today we have all the family descending upon us
for a beautiful Easter Sunday lunch in the garden.
There promises to be plenty of good food, laughter and frivolity!
There will be fun and games with an Easter egg hunt
and lots of delicious treats to eat!

Wishing you and your family

... a very Happy Easter!

Melissah xox

Check out Country Style Chic on tumblr and Pinterest 


  1. Oh I love those signs!!! How spectacular! I hope you have a lovely Easter lady!

  2. Lovely pictures! Happy Easter to you :)

  3. To cute Easter inspiration,had to do some pinning here;)
    We're had such a Fantastic Easter with the best weather ever...But today it's a bad snowstorm so we have to cuddle up inside :)
    Perfect for blogging;)
    Enjoy the last days of Easter Melissah !
    Tovehugs :)


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