Tuesday, May 15, 2012

White and Rustic



Surround yourself with what you love ....

For me that means my family, my friends, nature, my lovely garden, 
beautiful furniture, antiques, chandeliers, design books, 
fashion magazines, artwork and recipe books.

These things collectively make me happy and fill my life with joy.

Melissah xox

Images via 1, 2, 34, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Check out Country Style Chic on tumblr and Pinterest


  1. I love every single one of these photos! I share many of the same loves as you. Thanks for sharing the eye candy!

  2. Melissah, thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting. I thought I had come over here and left you a message and followed but it looks like I didn't. Well, now I AM your newest follower. Hope you'll be back to Quirky Vistas again. I am loving your style. Can't wait to see what else you have in store!


  3. Love the photos! What a great blog!!



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