Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Vintage Chic with a Dash of Blue


The combination of blue and white is so fresh and pretty.
In my opinion, it works best when it's just a splash of blue :-
perhaps a feature wall,
a painted piece of furniture,
a display of blue and white china
or some scatter cushions and a piece of art.
I think by having just a touch it gives blue a fresher, more up-to-date look.

Melissah xox

Images via 1-4, 5-6, 7

Check out Country Style Chic on tumblr and Pinterest  


  1. Hi Melissa, nice pictures! I like the chair-mixture on the 2nd photo. Regards from Germany. My day starts now!

  2. So pretty! I love the shelving with all of the mismatched china and glass.

  3. wonderful your blog is great

  4. Hi sweetie! Thanks for your so beautiful impressions. So nice ti pics and the touch blue lovely... i like also so much the last pic! Nice, the clothe, the pic and naturally nice also the girl :) Have a nice day and big hug from Switzerland, LISA LIBELLE

  5. Love the freshness of these pictures - reminds me of how much i want to renovate our house ...But now, it's garden time! Have a fab day!


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