Saturday, May 26, 2012

True Beauty

- Create your own beauty -

To me beauty is a collaboration of many elements. 
Visual beauty is a powerful factor but having a positive attitude,
 personal style, nurturing your self loving and being loved
 and surrounding yourself with the things you love
go hand in hand with creating your own beauty.


Melissah xox

Images via 1, 234, 5-6

Check out Country Style Chic on tumblr and Pinterest


  1. Dearest sweet Melissah,

    You have such a lovely sweet and very inspiring space here! I love the look and feel of country style. :) Gorgeous images too.
    Thank YOU so much for your sweet kind words on my little space. I am so happy you adore my little doll. Happy weekend and love to you!

  2. I so agree, Melissah. Caring for oneself and others goes a long way towards creating inner and outer beauty!

    Hope you are having a gorgeous weekend. xo Gigi

  3. I love your blog. I really agree with your definition of beauty...I think it also means that beauty is accessible to everyone--and it's so individual.
    I hope you are having a wonderful day, I've started mine in my garden, listening to the birds and having Irish tea a friend gave me from her recent trip to Ireland, out of a china cup I bought yesterday at a garage sale. Lise-Lotte


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